Buzzword Breakdown: Cultural Responsiveness

In this session, we will unpack the term culturally responsiveness and how it translates globally, locally, and personally in education.  Participants will have an opportunity to explore the work of Zaretta Hammond, Dr. Gholnecsar (Gholdy) Muhammad, Dr. Geneva Gay, and Gloria Ladson Billings among others.  As educators we are called to empathize and inquire into

How do I set the conditions for equitable learning?

In this session, we explore learning environment conditions that inspire and empower students to become independent thinkers and compassionate collaborators.  Equitable learning conditions set the stage for all learners to think critically about dissenting and diverse viewpoints and question prevailing currents of thought.  As educators, we have the opportunity to cultivate students’ ability to understand

Setting Yourself up for a Successful Teacher Evaluation

In this session, we will investigate teacher evaluation systems and how to narrow in on instructional behaviors that help us expand upon our strengths.  Showing up for students to our fullest potential takes self-inquiry and reflection.  In this session, we will discuss how to process various types of feedback and perspectives, and explore how our

Buzzword Breakdown: Blended Learning

Blended learning is a phrase that’s been in education since the early 2000’s gaining both recognition and confusion since March 2020. Come discuss what Blended Learning is and gain insight to apply it in your classroom today.

How do I design to the edges of flexibility?

Blended Learning offers students flexibility of place, pace, path and time. With a little bit of creativity and imagination, we can create Blended Learning opportunities that are flexible and work within our current system.

A Digital Citizen is a Global Citizen

Blended Learning is an effective educational practice that comes with concerns for student safety and security. This session, during Digital Citizenship Week, will look at how we can belong and contribute to our digital world in a safe and positive way.

Buzzword Breakdown: Deeper Learning

There won’t be a test and deeper learning won’t be on it! In this session we will explore critical thinking, problem solving, discussion, and the joy of figuring things out.

How do I know when learning and learners are thriving?

If there’s no test, how will we know that our scholars are picking up what we’re putting down? It’ll look different in each of our classrooms, so let’s share ideas for assessing understanding.

Strategies for Deeper Learning

How do we help our students move beyond rote memorization and retrieval of information? We foster curiosity and celebrate the power of the question.  Join us to share and create intriguing questions.

Buzzword Breakdown: Assessment for Learning

In this session, we will unpack the term “assessment in learning”.  We will explore how assessment designs that both inform and summarize learning in meaningful and authentic ways.  Assessment is a daily practice.  Together, we will heighten our awareness around to the informal and formal ways we collect data, in order to establish practical routines

How do I design assessment to the edges of flexibility?

Traditional methods for assessment can be very limiting in telling the whole story of the student experience.  In this session, we will compare and contrast assessment designs and project-based learning in order to inspire revisions to our current assessments.  We will make connections to content standards to ensure alignment, yet imagine and playfully explore the

Strategies for Deeper Assessment

How do we help our students get out of the bubble sheet and off the page entirely? We empower them to become meaning-making machines! Bring your ideas and experiences.
