Coaching Session: Nearpod and Google Classroom Q & A
Come with your questions about Google Classroom and Nearpod. We’ll also have a Stump-the-Chump Challenge where you can bring any Google Workspace question to see if you can stump Eileen.
Come with your questions about Google Classroom and Nearpod. We’ll also have a Stump-the-Chump Challenge where you can bring any Google Workspace question to see if you can stump Eileen.
Heads down and grinding. This has been the mindset for a lot of leaders and educators for years, but how do we find the time to reflect, grow, and improve? Let’s talk about how to focus on priorities, how to improve our schools, and how to ensure progress.
This 90 min. workshops is designed to model how you could facilitate professional learning with provided resources within your district. We will give grade band and content specific examples during this workshop,. However, this workshop is open to any educator in Idaho.
Reaching today’s learners means being multi-modal. Find out how to use the Mote Google Chrome extension to literally add your voice to digital products and student feedback. This session is open and applicable to K-12 educators of all content areas.
In this session, we will unpack the term culturally responsiveness and how it translates globally, locally, and personally in education. Participants will have an opportunity to explore the work of Zaretta Hammond, Dr. Gholnecsar (Gholdy) Muhammad, Dr. Geneva Gay, and Gloria Ladson Billings among others. As educators we are called to empathize and inquire into
“Rudy, Rudy, Rudy…” The unsung hero often deserves all the credit. Let’s talk about how we can identify the hidden strategies that don't have all the glitz and glamour but deserve to be celebrated and repeated.
Tim and Dean are going to battle it out to share their favorite and best tools for secondary students. Each has 3 minutes to convince you, the audience which tool is better. As an audience, you'll be able to share your favorites as well. This session is designed to be fun and fast paced.
In this session, we explore learning environment conditions that inspire and empower students to become independent thinkers and compassionate collaborators. Equitable learning conditions set the stage for all learners to think critically about dissenting and diverse viewpoints and question prevailing currents of thought. As educators, we have the opportunity to cultivate students’ ability to understand
This cohort will run from 9/13/21 through 12/9/21 with live sessions on 9/13, 9/20, and 12/9 and includes asynchronous video based coaching and 1:1 synchronous coaching. Registration link will automatically register you for all three sessions. Work toward personal goals around integrating technology and instructional strategies to deepen student learning and with an experienced coach
Check out these new Google Workspace efficiency features, extensions, and add-ons teachers and students can use immediately to increase efficiency and communication.
In this session, we will investigate teacher evaluation systems and how to narrow in on instructional behaviors that help us expand upon our strengths. Showing up for students to our fullest potential takes self-inquiry and reflection. In this session, we will discuss how to process various types of feedback and perspectives, and explore how our
1:1 Observation and feedback may have its place, but nothing moves schools forward better and faster than bringing groups together to observe, learn, and discuss what’s happening at the student level. Let’s look at ways to model the medical rounds process in our schools.