About Amber
Amber is passionate about providing ALL students with a high-quality education that fosters growth and opportunities for success.
Amber is a highly skilled educator with experience in grade levels ranging from kindergarten to the college level. Amber strongly believes that a zip code should not determine a child’s future. Supporting teachers with instruction through intentional planning, using data to inform instruction, reading strategies, enrichment activities, and technology integration are some of the ways to ensure that students receive an education that allows them to reach their maximum learning potential.
When Amber is not coaching you may find her on a walk with her little dog Ginger, on an airplane traveling with her young pilot daughter, or at Trader Joe’s getting ready to cook Sunday dinner.
The serenity prayer is one of her favorites. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
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