Featured Consultant

Debra Roethke

Education Consultant

About Debra

Debra is an experienced professional with a unique combination of instructional, technical, managerial, and leadership expertise as well as over 23 years experience in a one-to-one laptop environment.

Debbie has always been a teacher. She believes that her role as teacher is to help and nurture children- not teach content. Children having teachers who care about them is the most important gift anyone can give. How did Debbie build those relationships? Doughnuts before school every morning to get to know her students. Providing a safe environment where students could take chances, find success, and fail where they knew they had support.  Assuring teachers that their new computers are wonderful and that she will be right there with them  throughout the entire process.  “Debbie’s job is not to prepare students/teachers  for something but to help students/teachers prepare themselves for anything.”

When Debbie is not consulting, she’s with her precious husband, her four children, or her 10 grandchildren.  Debbie’s other passion is helping others- whether next door, at a restaurant, or on a mission trip. Her favorite things to do are take long walks, listen to Christian music, put together jigsaw puzzles, and bake.

Debbie’s favorite quotes emphasize how she lives each day.

  • “There’s always, always, always something to be thankful for.”
  • “Thank you  God, for blessing me much more than I deserve.”
  • “Do small things with great love.” Mother Teresa
  • “So very Thankful, Incredibly Grateful, Unbelievably Blessed”


53 Years


  • Google Innovator
  • Google Certified Trainer
  • Adobe Trainer
  • Microsoft Innovative Educator
  • Masters of Music Education (VCU)

Key Skills and Qualifications

  • Instructional technology: innovative Instruction and content creation
  • Working with instructional technology leaders and coaches
  • Working with technology teams and leadership
  • Student engagement with technology

Recognition and Publications

  • Chris Corallo Distinguished Educator Award
  • CoSN Team Award
  • VDOE Educational Technology Award