About Xinyu
Judy strives to apply her organizational psychology expertise and data analytics skills to facilitate positive organizational changes in school districts, make work better for educators.
Dr. Judy Hu is an organizational psychologist with expertise in workplace wellness, employee engagement, competency modeling, strategic planning, and program evaluation. Through her past research in the field of occupational health psychology examining work-related phenomena that influence job performance and employee well-being issues (e.g., teacher burnout and engagement), Dr. Hu discovered her passion in bridging research and practice. She is motivated to use research-backed approaches to address various organizational problems unique to school districts and educators.
Outside of work, you might find Dr. Hu cooking, trying new baking recipes, taking hip-hop dance classes, or just exploring a neighborhood in Chicago!
Dr. Hu is always inspired by words in poems, books, and movies. One of the many quotes that she always remembers was from a Chinese poem called “Hard is the way of the World (行路难)“ by a renowned poet in Tang Dynasty, Li Bai (李白) from Tang dynasty: “A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves; I’ll set my cloud-like sail to cross the sea which raves.”