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Virtual Learning Can Support Coaching Growth
Still operating in hybrid environments hasn’t stopped children from learning, nor should it prohibit educator growth.

Operation Connectivity: Personalized Consulting & Coaching
Within the Texas Learners Network, a cohort of Districts will leverage Operation Connectivity to address current and future needs through dynamic, responsive professional learning support.

Ways To Be A Teacher Leader For Your Peers
Whether defined by position or by peer recognition, serving in a leadership role is no easy task. Consider these suggestions to maximize your time in support of the powerful changes in your school and the lasting impact they can have for staff and students.

The Wonder in the Question
The questions we use during a coaching conversation can unlock powerful potential in our teachers to make a shift towards innovation.

Finishing the School Year Strong
The weeks leading up to the year’s end provide a great time to model best practices and plant seeds for the future.

Six Reasons You Need An Instructional Coach
“Want to get great at something? Get a coach.” –Atul Gawande

Trailblazer Spotlight: Beth Gillikin
Beth says it best herself: her students can do anything on their Chromebooks, but what she and her students have learned is so much more than use of a tool.

Trailblazer Spotlight: Lisa Tirado
The first words out of her mouth: “This approach has changed my life! I could never go back to teaching ‘the old way’ again.”

Blazing A Trail
Few will go where none have gone before. Most need a path to follow, and that means someone has to go first.

One Small Change Can Transform Your Practice
A process of design, implementation, and reflection helps one teacher change not just one student project experience, but her entire approach to instruction.

What Student-Driven Learning Actually Looks Like
Hint: It looks fun!
Electronic Lab Portfolios Aligned to AP Physics Science Practices
The story of how continued iteration and reflection helped one teacher shift the focus of student portfolios from a focus on products to a focus on learning.
Freedom for Experimentation = True Learning
“When experimentation is seen as necessary and productive, people will enjoy their work.” –Ed Catmull

Sustainable Coaching Model in Texas
One district’s journey to infusing job-embedded coaching within the scope of their approach to professional learning.