Senge and Learning Organizations: Personal Mastery and Learning

Editor’s note: This post is one in a series authored by ALP’s Katy Fodchuk entitled Change Leadership: Helping, Mastery, and Appreciative Inquiry, in which she revisits the work of her “guru […]

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Change Leadership: Helping, Mastery, and Appreciative Inquiry

Browsing the headlines of my professional learning newsfeed, at once overwhelms and intrigues me. Today, more than ever, educational leaders face multifaceted responsibilities, issues, obstacles, and opportunities. Ensuring safety and […]

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Virginia is for Learners Innovation Network: A Snapshot of Progress Earned

Seven short months ago, an intrepid band of twenty-six teams representing thirty-one Virginia school divisions embarked on a journey. Their individual quests, while disparate, were nonetheless unified by an aligned […]

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So We Have A Learner Profile. Now What?

As referenced on the Virginia Department of Education website, “The Profile of a Virginia Graduate describes the knowledge, skills, experiences, and attributes that students must attain to be successful in […]

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