Worst Educational Ideas

In the days of Pinterest and Teacher Pay Teacher we have a lot of ideas floating around that profess to be the next best thing, but are they really? Let’s

Holding on to all that we learned

The last year and a half have been tough but from very obstacle we get opportunities. Let’s talk about all we have learned and need to hold onto.

Rethinking Professional Learning

We believe in life-long learning but do we model it? Let’s talk about how we can support our adult learners and continue to grow them professionally.

The Best Educational Ideas that Have Never Taken Off

“Rudy, Rudy, Rudy…” The unsung hero often deserves all the credit. Let’s talk about how we can identify the hidden strategies that don't have all the glitz and glamour but

Instructional Rounds

1:1 Observation and feedback may have its place, but nothing moves schools forward better and faster than bringing groups together to observe, learn, and discuss what’s happening at the student

Fostering Leadership at all Levels

We know we want teachers to be facilitators who get out of the way to let students shine. Do we do the same for teachers? How do we promote, support,

Creating cultures of Innovation

Do we really embrace a growth mindset? What does it mean to allow for adult mistakes and failures on our way to improved models of teaching adn learning? What would

Personalized Professional Learning

Microcredentials. Individual learning pathways. Teacher-led PD. What does it look like to put educators in charge of their learning? What stays? What goes? What might it look like?

Instructional Shifts for Deeper Learning

Ensuring deeper learning for ALL students may not be as daunting as it sounds.  There are small shifts that can lead to amazing changes in our classrooms.  We’ll use McLeod

After 10 years of catfishing, what have I learned?

Dean Shareski and Alec Couros have had their images used in catfishing schemes for the better part of a decade. What have they learned? What lessons might they share to

Is technology just a tool?

It’s a popular saying “technology is just a tool” That statement is often used to diminish the power of technology. But what if it’s more than a tool? This conversation
