Cool Tool Duel: Tools for Secondary Students

Tim and Dean are going to battle it out to share their favorite and best tools for secondary students. Each has 3 minutes to convince you, the audience which tool

How do I set the conditions for equitable learning?

In this session, we explore learning environment conditions that inspire and empower students to become independent thinkers and compassionate collaborators.  Equitable learning conditions set the stage for all learners to

DTLN Dell Certified Educator

This cohort will run from 9/13/21 through 12/9/21 with live sessions on 9/13, 9/20, and 12/9 and includes asynchronous video based coaching and 1:1 synchronous coaching. Registration link will automatically

Instructional Rounds

1:1 Observation and feedback may have its place, but nothing moves schools forward better and faster than bringing groups together to observe, learn, and discuss what’s happening at the student

Desmos Polygraph: The Digital Version of Guess Who

Come play Polygraph, learn strategies for facilitating engaging rounds that deepen student learning, and make your own Polygraph game. This session is open and applicable to K-12 educators of all

Fostering Leadership at all Levels

We know we want teachers to be facilitators who get out of the way to let students shine. Do we do the same for teachers? How do we promote, support,

Coaching Session: Desmos Polygraph and Google Q & A

Come with your questions about Desmos Polygraph and Google efficiency and communication features. We’ll also have a Stump-the-Chump Challenge where you can bring any Google Workspace question to see if

Creating cultures of Innovation

Do we really embrace a growth mindset? What does it mean to allow for adult mistakes and failures on our way to improved models of teaching adn learning? What would

Cool Tool Duel: Browser Extensions

Tom and Eileen are going to battle it out to share their favorite and best Chrome extensions. Each has 3 minutes to convince you, the audience which tool is better.

Buzzword Breakdown: Blended Learning

Blended learning is a phrase that’s been in education since the early 2000’s gaining both recognition and confusion since March 2020. Come discuss what Blended Learning is and gain insight
