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David Cooperrider and Appreciative Inquiry
Big Takeaway: Focus on and appreciate function within a system versus picking apart what is not working.

Senge and Learning Organizations: Personal Mastery and Learning
Big Takeaway: Organizational vision must always include personal mastery for all learners.

Edgar Schein and Humble Inquiry
Big Takeaway: Let your curiosity and desire to help drive the relationship.

Change Leadership: Helping, Mastery, and Appreciative Inquiry
Reflections on approaches and insights from my “guru guides”

Profile for Innovative Educators
We wanted to know what makes an educator innovative and how we as consultants and coaches can support others who are interested in building these skills.

Building and Shaping a New Team’s Culture
How one team of coaches built intentional opportunities to focus on their own learning – both individually and as a team.

Innovation & Learning Coach
The IDEA drivers INSPIRE, DESIGN, EMPOWER and AMPLIFY, are at the core of all ALP work, including the domains for our coaching competencies.