Our Services


ALP strives to empower every learner, educator and leader to be the change their community needs.


ALP’s coaching approach is designed to provide personalized support, clear goals, and a structured process for individuals and teams to achieve their objectives. Participants work with an experienced educator who offers proven instructional strategies and immediate feedback tailored to highlight participant strengths and meet individual learning preferences.

The coaching relationship between ALP and participants is built on mutual trust and collaboration. ALP and participants may engage in collaborative goal setting, curating student artifacts, and/or co-designing learning experiences. Observation and reflection cycles create space for articulating and improving teaching practice.

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Virtual Learning Can Support Coaching Growth

Still operating in hybrid environments hasn’t stopped children from learning, nor should it prohibit educator growth.

Profile for Innovative Educators

PIE is a formative assessment tool with a survey and dashboard reporting system that complements a number of ALP coaching services, including Coaching, Learning Walks, Coaching Academy, and Trailblazer. When used in conjunction with one of these services, teachers and coaches can use the profile to self-reflect, set goals, practice skills and collect evidence to document growth along a continuum. ALP partners with instructional coaches and administrators throughout PIE’s implementation process. PIE’s longitudinal and aggregated data demonstrates the shift in teachers’ instructional practice from leaning too heavily on direct instruction toward building classroom systems that enhance student agency, leadership, collaborative learning, and media and digital literacy.

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Profile for Innovative Educators

We wanted to know what makes an educator innovative and how we as consultants and coaches can support others who are interested in building these skills.

Talent Development Systems

Talent Development Systems provide an interactive and formative feedback tool for educators to put their role’s validated competency model into action and optimize professional growth and development. Through comprehensive validation studies and implementation across several districts, ALP has developed talent development systems for instructional coaches and teachers.  Districts may access these systems or collaborate with ALP to develop customized Talent Development systems for other district roles.

Educators partner with their colleagues and mentors in a process of reflection, professional goal setting, and continuous and focused growth grounded in competencies. Educators track their journey in an interactive digital platform that guides and integrates their reflections and practice toward professional growth goals with formative feedback and inspiration from trusted peers, mentors, and supervisors. Competency Modeling may be a prerequisite process to Talent Development Systems.

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Building and Shaping a New Team’s Culture

How one team of coaches built intentional opportunities to focus on their own learning – both individually and as a team.

Learning Design Facilitation

ALP partners with curriculum design teams to define learning outcomes and measure learner growth and achievement. ALP leads the design of learning experiences that foster self-efficacy and promote purposeful feedback from teachers and peers. This close collaboration results in dynamic, scalable resources that integrate into existing learning frameworks. ALP’s design approach balances authentic learner outcomes with adopted learning standards and competencies. Learning Design Facilitation is especially useful in education settings that aim to sustain or scale personalized, blended, and/or competency-based learning models.

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Can these things really be taught?

Students can develop 21st century skills when districts, schools and teachers create meaningful and appropriate learning conditions, environments, and experiences throughout a student’s whole education.

Learning Data

Schools possess an abundance of data. While school-based teams tend to see the value of using student data to adapt instructional practices, there often remains uncertainty on how to best collect, analyze, and synthesize learning data to inform decisions and tell their story. In this service, educators will engage in collaborative experiences designed to build their capacity to identify appropriate data sources; gather, analyze, and synthesize student data; and communicate findings to stakeholders. Through protocol-driven discussions, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) will be empowered to make informed instructional decisions and demonstrate measurable impact on student learning and capacity.

Workplace Wellness

Employee burnout has several negative consequences for organizations including higher rates of turnover, health issues, and healthcare costs for employees as well as lower levels of engagement, productivity, and organizational commitment. ALP’s Organizational Development Consultants support districts and schools to identify factors that are negatively impacting employees’ workplace perceptions and provide best practice and research-based recommendations for fostering workplace wellness.
